3,2,1…here we go!
Well here we go!
This is apparently my blog and here I am at 42 putting together a website to hold all the things I have poured my life into over the years. I’ll be honest, this is a very vulnerable moment for me. I think anyone in a creative field or a small business owner can vouch for this feeling of putting yourself out there and the uncertainties you feel all the while doing it. All the moments of self doubt and moments where you feel this isn’t really making sense in the place of life that I find myself. However if I’m honest with myself, nothing about my life has made much sense. I haven’t followed a streamline of thought in any way shape or form, so why would I start now?
I will say this that my life and the directions it has gone are always fully saturated in deep and intentional thought and prayer. Any decision I tend to make has been prayed over, agonized over, and taken into account all the feelings of myself and my family. So right now, this is the place for me. I am excited and I am nervous and I am ok with both of those emotions existing in the same space at the same time.
My intentions for this space are for you and for me and for the people you may influence. We are always influencing. If you are reading this, you are an influencer. It could be a positive influence, it could be a negative influence, it could be subtle or it could be loud and obvious to all who know you. No matter how you slice it and weather you want it or not, you are influential to the people in your life. The question is HOW do you want to be an influence? When it’s all said and done how did you influence the lives that surrounded you? How do you love? How did you help? How can we do this each and everyday with those we find in our circles of influence?
I’ll be here to share my thoughts, hopes, dreams, deep thoughts and emotions (sorry…I’m paying rent here so I’m giving myself permission to feel all these and I invite you to do the same).
God has given me the passion to create with my camera, but I do hope this space is so much more than photography. I hope it sheds light on humanity, health, art, love, light.
Thank you for coming along for the ride.